The team at The Wilson Funeral Home are committed to providing high-quality service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our team are determined to ensure that funeral arrangements meet every requirement and all needs are taken care of.
It is so important to us we remain open and honest in all relationships during this difficult time. We take our position of trust very seriously. We are happy to work with individuals, or large groups and children are always welcome to be involved.
We are sensitive to the emotional demands on people at this difficult time. We will give you the time and space you need to make decisions and guide you with a gentle and caring approach.
The Wilson Funeral Home have experience working with people from many different backgrounds and personal situations and are accommodating to all. Our high level of service is consistent; all needs are listened to and considered to provide exceptional service.
We take pride in using local businesses and New Zealand made products as much as possible. The Wilson Funeral Home are committed to minimising waste and taking care of the earth’s precious resources.